Monday, May 5, 2014

Is Social Networking Messing With You?

Social Networking, do you happen to have one? Do you find it messing with your brain? Well the a freelance writer by the name of David Disalvo wrote, “Are Social Networks Messing with Your Head?” Throughout this writing Disalvo writes on how social networking is changing the way people interact differently now because of social networking. Its starting to cause people to feel a sense of loneliness and how people react with they see certain images. Disalvo also talks about narcissism. Narcissist are people we can spot from a mile away always where ever they go they seek some sort of attention. Online they do the same thing by trying to have thousand and hundreds of friends on their online page. Disalvo also pointed out that adolescents and college students make over 40 percent of social networking. In my opinion it’s very true that the younger population makes up most of social networking because when I was in middle school i had social networking and so did all of my friends. Some may find that social networking can be manipulating and a waist of time but it all depends on really how you are using it. It’s good to have social networking to be able to keep up with close friends that we don't see on a daily basis or even someone you see around once a year. Don’t let social networking confuse you or make you feel lonely. Luckily I don’t feel any of these symptoms when using social networking. Reader do you feel that social networking is confusing you?

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