Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Response: "Children: Social Networking Sites, A Debate in the House of Lords"

So today im going to give a response to this reading by Susan Greenfield, "Children: Social Networking Sites, A Debate in the House of Lords". One question I kept in mind is what precisely is the appeal of social networking sites. In this reading we find many times that people say its a way to feel freedom, not being judge, and feel free that they can express themselves. One quote off this text says "Building a Facebook profile is one way that individuals can identify themselves, making them feel important and accepted." I believe people when joining social networking they tend to feel more safe and that people will except them more through words and pictures on a screen rather than knowing that individual in person. Since in real time conversations people respond to you faster than they would through text on a screen. Another person states" opportunity to think up clever or witty responses." This shows how people want to think what they want to say and retype what they want to say till its finally perfect. Empathy is another thing what this article talked about, how when playing games once we win the game people feel as if they achieved something. When we speak to someone in person its like reading a book, we talk to them to find out more about that person. Overall social networking should do something that can have effectiveness in the lives of people so people can grow up and be able to conversate with others and not feel as their being judged or that no one is going to like them. As stated by Susan Greenfield, "As a consequence, the mid-21st century mind might almost be infantilized, characterized by short attention spans, sensationalism, inability to empathize, and a shaky sense of identity." Don't let social networking make us be that type of person.
-Does your keyboard look like this?

Monday, April 28, 2014

Keeping Track of My Technology Usage

So now another great challenge my professor at LBCC told us to take. Keeping time of all the usage of technology we use daily. Even though because of my work I am forced to use E-mail and web surfing I noticed that I used mostly all the hours of the day with technology. I use my email and web surfing about 8 hrs a day because thats what my job requires me to do. I use youtube to play my music on the background when im web surfing just so I wont feel the day long. I listen to my music everyday as well while I drive to work, to school, and anywhere else I drive. I text everyday for a couple of minutes whether its to talk to a friend for a while, get some information that I need, or to simply just meet up with someone. I recently did do some online shopping. I went on amazon for about an hour till i found a nice bluetooth that I thought I needed. I go on Instagram for a couple mins daily just to see whats going on the virtual world of photos. Usually I go on it around my lunch time. Since this week was spring break for me I finally found some time to play some video games just for some passing time. It was nice and relaxing just to break free of all the things going around me. Once I saw my final results I did get scared cause I saw all the time I would spend in a day using technology. I do live in a time in history where are whole worlds almost relies on technology. I challenge you reader to take a log of all the technology you use in a day and keep track for a whole week and see how much time you spend in a week using your technology. You'll be surprised of how much time you spend on your technology.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

24 Hours Without My Cellphone.

So my professor challenged me and my classmates to go a whole day without using any technology that we find ourselves using the most. I choose to not use my phone for twenty four hours. Since I use my phone for checking my emails, GPS, and for communicating with my friends it was a bit tough. I found myself constantly patting down my pockets anxious to check my cellphone. I thought why not get away from all this so I visited my friend the day after class to see if he wanted go play billiards. Taking action the good old ways not knowing if he would be there or not. Once I arrived there I told him I would not use my phone for twenty four hours due to the challenge and that I would arrive around nine to the billiards spot on Carson and paramount. Right after work I wondered if my friend would actually remember without me having to call right after I got there I got a table thinking I should've called. To my surprise they got there five mins later saying one of the guy's as always had to take for ever. Over all without my phone I concentrated better at work had a good time playing billiards not worrying too check my phone. Thank you professor Rowley for the challenge and now I challenge You reader to take the twenty four hour challenge you won't regret it.